What Is Onion Oil? And The best onion hair oil benefits?
The Best benefits of Onion Oil For Hair The Hair loss does not occur alone but is accompanied by other scalp problems that include dandruff, baldness, hair thinning and gray hair. The Pollution is the main culprit, and we can expose ourselves to pollution every day, and no matter how much we try to protect our hair by wrapping ourselves in a waste or using a heat shield. And It still gets damaged and loses its natural glow slowly day by day. And In addition, water is a big problem, hard and contaminated water affects the hair, and not only weakens and leaves the strands dead but also drains the natural hair oil and makes it prone to breakage. The Onion oil will absolutely stop your hair loss process, but you may not be able to completely reverse it. And The main reason is that why some people claim that it helped them grow their hair again is that it stopped hair loss and caused the scalp to become healthy and alive. And When you keep your hair and sc...